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Staff - VideoGamer.com


Welcome to the heartbeat of VideoGamer.com: our illustrious team page! We pull back the curtain on the dedicated individuals who channel their passion, expertise, and sheer love for gaming into content and community experiences that resonate with gamers worldwide. They’re not just names on a screen or voices behind an article; they’re the gamers down the street, the friendly rivals, the companions you’d want by your side during an all-night gaming marathon.

Our team is a diverse ensemble of enthusiastic gamers, seasoned writers, sharp-eyed editors, creative designers, and social media wizards, each bringing a unique skill set to the table. But if there’s one thing they all share, it’s an unquenchable passion for video games and a commitment to nurturing the rich, vibrant community that thrives here at VideoGamer.com.

But who are these people really? What epic boss battles have they triumphed over? What hidden levels have they uncovered? On our team page, you’ll get to know the folks behind the bylines. Discover the stories of how they carved their paths into the gaming industry, their favorite gaming memories, the characters they cherish, and the in-game worlds they’ve lost themselves in.

So, come on in and meet the crew! Learn about us as if you were joining a new guild, where every story is a quest, and every introduction is the start of a fantastic journey. In the world of VideoGamer.com, you’re not just a visitor; you’re part of the team. Welcome aboard!

Meet the team

Talal Musa Profile

Tala Musa – Editor

Is the editor at VideoGamer, overseeing everything published on the site. Tal has worked at a number of national newspapers, including the Daily Mail and The Sun. A prior Mail Grad trainee, Tal created Daily Mail Games, MailOnline’s gaming coverage, where he reviewed and covered tech and gaming news. Talal went on to work for Xbox and AMD as part of Edelman, before moving to News UK as a content editor. Tal then joined Gfinity, where he created the Gfinity Digital Media Group

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Ben Borthwick – News Writer

Ben Borthwick is the news writer at Video Gamer. After spending 10+ years in the freelance wilds, he found a permanent home tending the news meadows here at VideoGamer. When he’s not hunting for juicy stories, you’ll find him wishfully dreaming of new Monkey Island, Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, and XCOM games.

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Ben Borthwick with his arms crossed in front of a white brick wall.
Ben Borthwick
Tom Bardwell
Tom Bardwell

Tom Bardwell – Guides Editor

Tom Bardwell is the guide’s editor at VideoGamer. He’ll play anything and everything you put in front of him, but he has a special interest in souls-likes, metroidvanias, and city builders. 

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Antony Terence is a guides writer for VideoGamer. While he is particularly fond of city-builders, shooters, and strategy titles, he won’t turn down a good JRPG or a turn-based roguelike.

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Antony Terence: Profile image of author Antony.
Antony Terence
A man from the Video Gamer Team sitting in front of a computer playing a game.
A man from the Video Gamer Team sitting in front of a computer playing a game.

Amaar Chowdhur – Gaming Guides & tech Writer

Dipping in and out of technology news, gaming guides and reviewing games, Amaar Chowdhury is a writer for VideoGamer.

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Nico Vergara is a Trends Writer for VideoGamer.com. When not writing about or playing RPGs, he spends time playing basketball, watching the latest movies, and brooding about his favorite sports teams.

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A young man smiling in front of a wooden wall, part of a Video Gamer Team.
Nico Vergara
Rosa Fryer is standing in front of a building. at sunset while being cheered on by her video gamer team.

Rosa Fryer – Gaming and Tech Writer

Rosa Fryer is the Deal and Tech Writer for VideoGamer. She has a fascination in gaming and computer hardware, and specialises in laptops. Her go to game is Minecraft.

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Romilly Cotta- Tech Writer

Romilly covers Tech for Videogamer. She’s committed to following the latest tech and hardware releases, and enjoys convincing people to upgrade their gaming setup.

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A woman wearing a red striped sweater.
Romilly Cotta
Michael Wicherek - Sports Editor
Michael Wicherek – Sports Editor

Michael Wicherek – Sports Editor

Michael Wicherek is the Sports Editor for VideoGamer. He has over five years of experience creating content around sports games.

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Ramzi Musa – Growth Manager

Ramzi is the Growth Manager for Video Gamer, he works with teams to ensure readers are getting high-quality information that is informative, entertaining, and useful for readers.

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A man in a black shirt is sitting in front of a computer, engrossed in a video game.
Ramzi Musa
David Luff Profile Picture
David Luff Profile Picture

David Luff – Sports Games Writer

David Luff is a Sports Games Writer for VideoGamer. He loves football, started playing FIFA 99 on the PC with a joystick, and has stuck with the series ever since.

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