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How to Find Slap Juice in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 - VideoGamer.com

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How to Find Slap Juice in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1

How to Find Slap Juice in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1
Si Yan Updated on by

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With the new season there are many innovations. New weapons, vehicles, mechanics, skins and more. One of them is Slap Juice, which directly affects the gameplay. You can have these bad boys, If you know where to look: how to find Slap Juice in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1?

There are some consumables that you need to win 1v1 battles in Fortnite from day one. As these materials provide you with health and shields, you can survive longer against your enemies.

Slap Juice, which we learned about in Chapter 4, is currently one of the most effective consumables in the game. This is because it replenishes your health as well as others and increases your stamina infinitely for a while. This is an OP thing to have.

Slap Juices are scattered all over the map, just like Dirt Bikes. But there are still many tips that you can find more easily. Let’s talk about where to find Slap Juices in Chapter 4 Battle Pass to get the wins you need to climb the ranks quickly.

Where to Find Slap Juice in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1?

Slap Juice is a Rare consumable that gives you 15HP regeneration and unlimited durability for a few seconds when you use it. That’s why you do not find it all the time on the island. To find it, you need to know where to look.

Unlike shield potions or first aid kits, there are three different forms of Slap Juice:

  • Glass Bottle
  • Barrels
  • Berries

The glass bottles are always available in triplicate. You can find these bottles as ground or chest loot in completely random areas. To use them, you must first equip them. Like any other consumable, they disappear after use. You can use it especially in battles in which you have to flee or before moves that demand your stamina.

The second form of Slap Juices are barrels. They are also found almost everywhere on the map, but you will find them especially often in and around Slappy Shores. These barrels have very little health and can easily be detonated with the “harvesting tool”. When they explode like other barrels in the game, they scatter around the area and you can easily consume them.

There is a third form of Slap Juices, although they will never be your first choice. You can find them in the wooded areas of the map in the form of berries. They are orange in color and when you eat them, like the other two forms, they give you a shelf life that lasts indefinitely.

Aside from these three forms, you’ll often see Slap Juice logos on the new Fortnite map. That does not mean you’ll always find glass bottles or barrels here. But for those moments when you still need unlimited stamina, it can not hurt to look around.

That’s all we shared about how to find Slap Juice in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 for now. This is just one of the many new mechanics you can use to gain an advantage over your opponents. Do not forget to take it as soon as you see it, and do not forget to equip yourself and run free when necessary.

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